Sunday, October 30, 2011

Setting Goals

In college, it seemed easy to have my day scheduled out to make use of every minute to accomplish projects, assignments, and study for class. I had my goals set and stuck to them to get what I needed accomplished in the proper timeline.

At times, I tended to even take it to the extreme where I had only my plans scheduled for the day, and did not make room to include what the Lord may have for me that day. I thankfully had wise council to help me realize this downfall.

However, now that I have been out of college, and not had as consistent of a schedule, I find myself going back to not making the best use of my time or following a productive routine. I get frustrated as I want to include many good and even necessary things in my life, but don't take the time to actually schedule them in. Or I will promise myself to something and start out great, but die off after a bit (take this blog for instance... :)

I recently felt the rewards of setting a goal and accomplishing it. I set out to cross-stitch a pattern for a new-born with the goal of finishing by his two-week birthday. It felt great to have a date to work towards and I was reminded of my determination to accomplish a task I had put on myself with a specfic deadline.

So here goes. Inspired by my favorite blogger, Crystal Paine at, I want to start setting weekly and daily goals to be a better manager of my time. I am reminding myself, however, not to attempt to accomplish all of my shortfalls in one week, but to start one step at a time. And, hey, if anyone does read this blog, I appreciate your keeping me accountable simply by reading.

Personal Goals
    1. Do devotions at least 4 times this week. {I ashamedly but transparently admit that I still struggle with consistency in my devotions so I am starting small.}
    2. Exercise at least 4 times this week.
Business Goals
    1. Enter "Prime Contacts" every day after each school.
    2. Write at least 2 postcards to students every day during the week.
    3. Complete Stop By paperwork before getting to hotel.
    4. Have all hotels booked for the following week by Friday.
Family Goals
    1. Talk to at least one family member this week. {That sounds horrible, doesn't it?}
Ministry Goals
    1. Pray for the students I have promised to pray for regarding their college decision.

1 comment:

  1. This is fantastic :-) I'm completely there with you about setting goals and not following throw. Ending up to be completely frustrated, discouraged, and feeling defeated. This are fantastic goals and sound very similar/familar to things I would like to accomplish, apart from your business goals. :-) This is encouraging and I enjoyed your update!! I miss you and love you guys!! See you in a few months!! :-) Praying for you!
